PSR-6 cache NullObject implementation, to avoid null checks and for testing
The missing PSR-6 NullObject implementation.
You can use this package, when you want to
check logic, read more here
composer require thadafinser/psr6-null-cache
Before this package, you needed to allow null
as a parameter, if you wanted to avoid a package dependency to a specific PSR-6 cache implementation
namespace MyPackage;
use Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface;
class MyCode
public function __construct(CacheItemPoolInterface $cache = null)
$this->cache = $cache;
* Can return an instance of null, which is bad!
* @return null CacheItemPoolInterface
public function getCache()
return $this->cache;
private function internalHeavyMethod()
$cacheKey = 'myKey';
// you need to check first, if there is a cache instance around
if ($this->getCache() !== null && $this->getCache()->hasItem($cacheKey) === true) {
// cache is available + it has a cache hit!
return $this->getCache()->getItem($cacheKey);
$result = do_something_heavy();
// you need to check first, if there is a cache instance around
if ($this->getCache() !== null) {
$item = $this->getCache()->getItem($cacheKey);
return $result;
namespace MyPackage;
use Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface;
use Psr6NullCache\NullCacheItemPool;
class MyCode
* You could require a cache instance, so you can remove the null check in __construct() as well
* @param CacheItemPoolInterface $cache
public function __construct(CacheItemPoolInterface $cache = null)
if($cache === null){
$cache = new NullCacheItemPool();
$this->cache = $cache;
* @return CacheItemPoolInterface
public function getCache()
return $this->cache;
private function internalHeavyMethod()
$cacheKey = 'myKey';
if ($this->getCache()->hasItem($cacheKey) === true) {
// cache is available + it has a cache hit!
return $this->getCache()->getItem($cacheKey);
$result = do_something_heavy();
$item = $this->getCache()->getItem($cacheKey);
return $result;